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Q: Who of the Ancient Greek rhetoricians taught debating skills for a fee?
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Who taught girls in Ancient Greece?

in ancient Greece the girls were taught by there mothers at home things like cooking cleaning and sewing

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that were old!

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The skills taught in EMT schools are responding effectively to 911 emergency calls and patient monitoring on proper devices. Skills also taught are respiratory care, life support, ambulatory services and drug administrations.

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The important life skills to be taught to children with learning disabilities are household skills, money management, personal care, community living, self care, safety, shopping skills etc.

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Ancient Greek boys were taught by their parents, with wealthy ones taught by a slave teacher.

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Plato and Aristotle. Taught rhetorical skills for a fee.

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An organisation forboys where they were taught militaristic skills

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Education in ancient Rome was taught in Latin.

How were boys taught music in ancient Greece?

They went to a tutor who taught them how to play an instrument. They also learnt to sing from their parents.