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  • Girls did not go to school.
  • They had to stay at home and be taught by their Mother, Father or a private tutor.
  • Girls and Mothers did work around the house.
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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

they were taught physical education.

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Q: What were girls taught in ancient Greece?
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Who taught girls in Ancient Greece?

in ancient Greece the girls were taught by there mothers at home things like cooking cleaning and sewing

How were boys and girls taught music in ancient Greece?

By their parents at home.

Did only boys go to school in Greece?

Yes, in ancient Greece girls were taught by their mothers and boys would either learn their father's trade or go to school.

What events are in ancient Greece?

There was the ancient olympics and the thesatiter for girls

What did girls do for fun in ancient Greece?

they played with toys

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Why weren't girls allowed to compete in the Olympics?

Because they were girls and it was Ancient Greece

How were boys taught music in ancient Greece?

They went to a tutor who taught them how to play an instrument. They also learnt to sing from their parents.

How were girls treated in ancient Greece?

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At what age did most girls in ancient Greece get married?


What did the philosopher do in ancient Greece?

He investigated ways of thinking and natural science, and taught them to others.