Their labour. During the flood season when the farmers could not work their land, he gave them employment and sustenance working on pyramids and other projects.
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most Ancient Egyptians were peasant farmers
They farm all day and feed the people of Egypt. They build for the Pharaoh.
Because they had thousands of peasant farmers to do the work when the Nile flooded and no work was possible on the land.
it was to show how important people were Also it was mostly about what jobs they had in Egypt's daily life. the pharaoh was at the top of the social pyramid. Peasant farmers were at the bottom part of the social pyramid. The rich looked down upon the bottom.
Their labour. During the flood season when the farmers could not work their land, he gave them employment and sustenance working on pyramids and other projects.
Their labour. During the flood season when the farmers could not work their land, he gave them employment and sustenance working on pyramids and other projects.
most Ancient Egyptians were peasant farmers
They farm all day and feed the people of Egypt. They build for the Pharaoh.
If you were a peasant in Ancient Egypt your jobwould be to build monuments for the pharaoh during the agricultural off seasons, and to work as a farm labourer for the rest of the year.
peasant farmers or Fellahin
ANCIENT CHINA Peasant farmers families, lived in simple houses made of mud, wood, and vegetable fibers, located near the fields they cultivated.
Peasant farmers, about 90% of the population was engaged in agriculture.