they all have the hook and wipe thing, also the ridiculous beard and hat
no, some pharaohs are woman like Cleopatra.
The Pharaohs were the rulers of ancient Egypt. Pharaohs held the most power and were both the political and religious leaders of their time.
the crook and flail were most commonly represented together and were held across the chest of pharaohs and represented kingship
There appear to have been a number of female pharaohs, but the earliest actually known was Sobekneferu. Hatshepsut was another. And Egypt was also ruled by Cleopatra VII, of course. There are links below.
Cleopatra and Hashepsut were the most common ones
no, some pharaohs are woman like Cleopatra.
Most dead pharaohs were placed in tombs which were then sealed. There is very little evidence that they were buried in pyramids (which is a common miss-belief).
in the Valley of the Kings at Luxor in southern Egypt.
They were all absolute monarchs
The most strongest and important pharaohs, of course. (this is a guess :3)
No. Guess what, they were sometimes women...!
One way that the Egyptians decorated their temples was with pictures of pharaohs and Hieroglyphics.
They all had Kings and Pharaohs
The three most common are ring, star, and bus. Here is a simple picture of the networks.
Most Pharaohs believed in the Ancient Egyptian Religion and mythology, usually called Kemetism.
Yes, but most of the time the pharaohs would live in Upper Egypt