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Q: What does rebecca mean in greek mythology?
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What does still mean in Greek mythology?

there is no such thing in greek mythology.

What is the Greek mythology name for tiger?

You really don't mean what is the greek mythology name for tiger, you mean the greek name for tiger. Because, friend, greek mythology is not a language

Does Perseus save his mother in greek mythology?

If you mean the mythology, no. If you mean the series based on Greek Mythology, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, yes.

In Greek Mythology what was Areopostale?

In greek mythology there was no areopostale. Perhaps you mean aristotle. HE was a philosopher.

What does hawk mean in Greek mythology?

Hawk means strong and brave in greek mythology

Is Greek mythology genre?

I don't mean to be rude, but isn't it obvious? Greek Mythology goes under the category of mythology.

What genre is greek mythology?

I don't mean to be rude, but isn't it obvious? Greek Mythology goes under the category of mythology.

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What is geek mythology?

The Mythology of Geeks :-) I think you might mean Greek Mythology which is myths and legends about Greek Gods and warriors. They might be true but it is unlikely.

What does atalanta mean in Greek mythology?

Atalanta means "unswaying" in Greek.

Who was pairs in greek mythology?

If you mean the 12 Olympians in Greek mythology look below I'm sure that Aphrodite--Hephaestus