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carbon, sulfer,iron, copper, and zinc

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Q: What elements were discovered in prehistoric times?
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When was elements discovered?

no one knows it was discovered in prehistoric times

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What year was biomass discovered?

Prehistoric Times it was Discovered by cavemen

What elements were discovered before 1766?

Some of the elements discovered before 1766 include carbon (discovered in ancient times), copper (known since prehistoric times), iron (also known since ancient times), sulfur (known since antiquity), and zinc (used in ancient times as well).

What year was lead discovered and who discovered it?

Lead is known from prehistoric times.

Who discoverd carbon?

Ancients and they discovered it in prehistoric times

Why was carbon discovered?

Carbon is known from prehistoric times.

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Talc is known from the prehistoric times !

When and where was coppper discovered?

Copper was discovered in the prehistoric times, probable in the Middle East.

Who were the people who discovered France?

Nobody 'discovered' France. It is inhabited since prehistoric times.

What year lead discovered?

Lead is known from prehistoric times.

When was the Himalayas discovered?

Himalayas Mountains are known from prehistoric times.