no it was notAnswer:The earliest record of gold was in Egyptian hieroglyphs from as early as 2600 BCE. We do not know how much earlier in prehistoric times it was discovered.
Metal was discovered around 9000 years ago. Currently there are around 86 known metals. Iron was discovered around 3000 years ago.
The heart, arteries and veins of the circulatory system were all well known t people from prehistoric times. Its true function was not known, however, until William Harvey (April 1, 1578 - June 3, 1657) showed that it recirculated the same blood throughout the body.
In simple terms, we do have recorded information of ancient times in written form or other means. But prehistoric periods are just as the word implies -- it's before recorded history.
Romans did not invent the dome. It is not known when the first dome was created but it can be traced back to prehistoric times.
no one knows it was discovered in prehistoric times
in prehistoric times.
Prehistoric Times it was Discovered by cavemen
Some of the elements discovered before 1766 include carbon (discovered in ancient times), copper (known since prehistoric times), iron (also known since ancient times), sulfur (known since antiquity), and zinc (used in ancient times as well).
Lead is known from prehistoric times.
Ancients and they discovered it in prehistoric times
Carbon is known from prehistoric times.
Talc is known from the prehistoric times !
Copper was discovered in the prehistoric times, probable in the Middle East.
Nobody 'discovered' France. It is inhabited since prehistoric times.
Lead is known from prehistoric times.
Himalayas Mountains are known from prehistoric times.