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the Romans had all types of food, we have some food today from the roman times.

Here is a complicated recipie from the rich roman cookbook:

stuff a chicken in a duck

then stuff the duck in a goose

next stuff the goose in a pig

and finally stuff the pig in a cow and cook it all toghether!

here is a sickening meal:

Romans ate a platefull of peacock's tounges! gross!


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13y ago
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10y ago

They ate grapes and drank wine and mostly ate porridge (its like cream of wheat) they also ate shellfish, eggs wheat pancakes. libae(small rolls)and picenian bread.(fine biscuits)they ate lots of friuts and vegtables. They drank wine called mulsum (wine sweetned with honey) honey was very popular in Rome.

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8y ago

Grains were some types of wheat (emmer, rivet wheat, einkorn, spelt, and common wheat) as and the less desirable barley, millet, and oats. Rice was imported from India and used as a medicine.

Vegetables were artichokes, asparagus, beans, beets, broad beans, broccoli, cabbages, carrots, celery, chickpeas, chicory, cucumbers, garlic, leeks lentils, lettuce, mallow leaves, marrows, mushrooms, onions, parsnips, garden peas, grass peas, pumpkins, radishes, turnips and bitter vetch

Fruit was apples, apricots (they were introduced form Armenia) cherries (they were introduced form Turkey) figs, filberts, melons (they were introduced form Africa) olives, pears, peaches, damson plums (they were introduced from Syria) quinces and pomegranates (they were introduced from Africa). Lemons were introduced in the 1st century AD.

Nuts were almonds, chestnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts.

The most common meatswere mutton or lamb and suckling pigs. Beef was not eaten often as it was difficult to preserve and because cows were used for milk and dairy products. The rich ate dormice, hares, venison, and wild boar.

Poultry was mainly chicken The rich ate cranes, doves, duck, fig-peckers, flamingos, geese, guinea fowls, partridges, pheasants and wood pigeons. Peacocks and ostriches was a very expensive delicacy. Rural people cured ham and bacon. No part of the animal was wasted and was used for blood puddings, meatballs (isicia), sausages, and stews. In Lucania (in southern Italy) sausages were made from a mixture of ground meats, herbs, and nuts, with eggs as a binding ingredient, and then aged in a smoker.

Fish was very expensive and rich Romans kept fish ponds in their gardens.

Goat and sheep milkwere considered superior to that of cows, Fresh milk was used to make cheese, for cooking, and in medicinal and cosmetic preparations. Butter was disdained. Lard was used for baking pastries and seasoning some dishes.

Drinks were water, the calda warm water and wine laced with spices (a winter drink) mulsum, a honeyed wine, and watered down wine. The soldiers and slaves also drunk posca, vinegar mixed with enough water to make it drinkable.

There were no tomatoes, potatoes, or corn, which come to Europe after the discovery of America. Oranges were introduced in the Mediterranean area by Italian and Portuguese merchants between the late 15th century and the beginnings of the 16th century There was also no risotto and pasta.

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12y ago

Roman houses had dining rooms and the Romans used them. It was not always a banquet or a formal dinner. Most nights the family would actually sit around a table rather than lounge on the dining couches. The same held for lunches, if they were eaten at home. (Of course, if guests were invited, things could get fancy.) Many meals, especially lunches, were eaten out at either a tavern, wine shop, or fast food stand.

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6y ago

The ancient Romans ate bread and other grain products, fruit and vegetables, nuts, meat, and other protein sources, water, milk and other liquids.

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14y ago

Mutton,(Sheep), Olives, Grain foods, Grapes, and Gyros

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13y ago

The Romans generally ate in their dining rooms at home. If they were away from home they could eat at a snack bar in the city or an inn in rural areas.

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12y ago

food and drink

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