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Middle class Romans are a variety of things. They would eat meat, vegetables, eggs, and fruits. They also ate grain cereals and some fish.

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Q: What would the middle class ancient romans people eat?
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What is a place in the society called?

A place in society is called a class. The ancient Romans had people divided into classes such as the patricians, plebeian, equestrian, freedman, etc. In the present day we often refer to groups of people as upper class, middle class or working class.

What kind of education did the Anicent Romans receive?

The ancient Romans were generally well educated by ancient standards. Education was not free, so there were many of the very poor who were illiterate, but for the most part, even lower class people tried to educate their children at least with the basics of writing and reading as it would be helpful to them in life. The wealthy or middle class people were well educated. The Romans studied not only reading and writing and basic math, but history, rhetoric, Greek, law, forms of agriculture and engineering.The ancient Romans were generally well educated by ancient standards. Education was not free, so there were many of the very poor who were illiterate, but for the most part, even lower class people tried to educate their children at least with the basics of writing and reading as it would be helpful to them in life. The wealthy or middle class people were well educated. The Romans studied not only reading and writing and basic math, but history, rhetoric, Greek, law, forms of agriculture and engineering.The ancient Romans were generally well educated by ancient standards. Education was not free, so there were many of the very poor who were illiterate, but for the most part, even lower class people tried to educate their children at least with the basics of writing and reading as it would be helpful to them in life. The wealthy or middle class people were well educated. The Romans studied not only reading and writing and basic math, but history, rhetoric, Greek, law, forms of agriculture and engineering.The ancient Romans were generally well educated by ancient standards. Education was not free, so there were many of the very poor who were illiterate, but for the most part, even lower class people tried to educate their children at least with the basics of writing and reading as it would be helpful to them in life. The wealthy or middle class people were well educated. The Romans studied not only reading and writing and basic math, but history, rhetoric, Greek, law, forms of agriculture and engineering.The ancient Romans were generally well educated by ancient standards. Education was not free, so there were many of the very poor who were illiterate, but for the most part, even lower class people tried to educate their children at least with the basics of writing and reading as it would be helpful to them in life. The wealthy or middle class people were well educated. The Romans studied not only reading and writing and basic math, but history, rhetoric, Greek, law, forms of agriculture and engineering.The ancient Romans were generally well educated by ancient standards. Education was not free, so there were many of the very poor who were illiterate, but for the most part, even lower class people tried to educate their children at least with the basics of writing and reading as it would be helpful to them in life. The wealthy or middle class people were well educated. The Romans studied not only reading and writing and basic math, but history, rhetoric, Greek, law, forms of agriculture and engineering.The ancient Romans were generally well educated by ancient standards. Education was not free, so there were many of the very poor who were illiterate, but for the most part, even lower class people tried to educate their children at least with the basics of writing and reading as it would be helpful to them in life. The wealthy or middle class people were well educated. The Romans studied not only reading and writing and basic math, but history, rhetoric, Greek, law, forms of agriculture and engineering.The ancient Romans were generally well educated by ancient standards. Education was not free, so there were many of the very poor who were illiterate, but for the most part, even lower class people tried to educate their children at least with the basics of writing and reading as it would be helpful to them in life. The wealthy or middle class people were well educated. The Romans studied not only reading and writing and basic math, but history, rhetoric, Greek, law, forms of agriculture and engineering.The ancient Romans were generally well educated by ancient standards. Education was not free, so there were many of the very poor who were illiterate, but for the most part, even lower class people tried to educate their children at least with the basics of writing and reading as it would be helpful to them in life. The wealthy or middle class people were well educated. The Romans studied not only reading and writing and basic math, but history, rhetoric, Greek, law, forms of agriculture and engineering.

How were the ancient Rome organized?

The Romans, as all ancient people, had a class orientated society. A person's rank or class in society depended on birth. Occasionally a person would be appointed to a higher class because of some public service or some quality.The Romans, as all ancient people, had a class orientated society. A person's rank or class in society depended on birth. Occasionally a person would be appointed to a higher class because of some public service or some quality.The Romans, as all ancient people, had a class orientated society. A person's rank or class in society depended on birth. Occasionally a person would be appointed to a higher class because of some public service or some quality.The Romans, as all ancient people, had a class orientated society. A person's rank or class in society depended on birth. Occasionally a person would be appointed to a higher class because of some public service or some quality.The Romans, as all ancient people, had a class orientated society. A person's rank or class in society depended on birth. Occasionally a person would be appointed to a higher class because of some public service or some quality.The Romans, as all ancient people, had a class orientated society. A person's rank or class in society depended on birth. Occasionally a person would be appointed to a higher class because of some public service or some quality.The Romans, as all ancient people, had a class orientated society. A person's rank or class in society depended on birth. Occasionally a person would be appointed to a higher class because of some public service or some quality.The Romans, as all ancient people, had a class orientated society. A person's rank or class in society depended on birth. Occasionally a person would be appointed to a higher class because of some public service or some quality.The Romans, as all ancient people, had a class orientated society. A person's rank or class in society depended on birth. Occasionally a person would be appointed to a higher class because of some public service or some quality.

What were the class names of ancient Romans?

The class names of the ancient Romans were the patricians, plebeians, equites, freedmen, and slaves. There were also many other who did not fit into a certain class and these are referred to as the proletariat.The class names of the ancient Romans were the patricians, plebeians, equites, freedmen, and slaves. There were also many other who did not fit into a certain class and these are referred to as the proletariat.The class names of the ancient Romans were the patricians, plebeians, equites, freedmen, and slaves. There were also many other who did not fit into a certain class and these are referred to as the proletariat.The class names of the ancient Romans were the patricians, plebeians, equites, freedmen, and slaves. There were also many other who did not fit into a certain class and these are referred to as the proletariat.The class names of the ancient Romans were the patricians, plebeians, equites, freedmen, and slaves. There were also many other who did not fit into a certain class and these are referred to as the proletariat.The class names of the ancient Romans were the patricians, plebeians, equites, freedmen, and slaves. There were also many other who did not fit into a certain class and these are referred to as the proletariat.The class names of the ancient Romans were the patricians, plebeians, equites, freedmen, and slaves. There were also many other who did not fit into a certain class and these are referred to as the proletariat.The class names of the ancient Romans were the patricians, plebeians, equites, freedmen, and slaves. There were also many other who did not fit into a certain class and these are referred to as the proletariat.The class names of the ancient Romans were the patricians, plebeians, equites, freedmen, and slaves. There were also many other who did not fit into a certain class and these are referred to as the proletariat.

Egypts middle class included people who what?

Egypt did not really have a Middle Class in the Ancient Period the way that we understand it today (you were either noble or you were average). The people in the middle of the Egyptian social pyramid were merchants and artisans.

What did middle class Romans eat?

They ate food

Why are Romans so important?

They were important t the upper class ancient Romans because that is were they lived.

Why did rich Romans want villas?

They were important t the upper class ancient Romans because that is were they lived.

What did middle class people in ancient Egypt eat?

they ate fruit,vegetables,and fish.they drank beer.

What were the classes of ancient rome in the middle ages?

The Plebians were the lowest class The Equestrians were in the middle Then the highest class was the Patrician class.

Where did slaves live in ancient egypt?

slaves in ancient Egypt lived with their owners sorry hope you don't mind me adding that the owners were the pharaoh, temples, nobles and middle class people.