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Q: What form of government was first formed in ancient Greece?
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Self government began in Ancient Greece where they formed the first democracy.

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The Virginia House of Burgesses was the first example of representative government.

Who was government started by in ancient Greece?

Athens was the first city-state to establish a democracy

Did Ancient Greece have a president?

Ancient Greece (specifically, Athens) practiced Direct Democracy. There was no president, nor were there governmental representatives. The people voted directly on the issues themselves rather than having representatives in government.

What were most three common forms of government in ancient Greece?

oligarchy , monarchy , and democracy ... this is my first answer..pimp.

What was the first democracy in Ancient India?

No The first demorcary was in ancient Greece. Ancient Greece was their much before India. Harneet

What ideology was first practiced in classical Greece?

Democracy had its origins in ancient Greece.

What were the three most common forms of government in ancient Greece?

oligarchy , monarchy , and democracy ... this is my first answer..pimp.

Was Ancient Greece one large empire?

It was neither an empire nor a republic. The first thing to understand is that "Ancient Greece" was not a unified political body (as was the Roman Republic/Empire) but rather a collection of independent city-states that operated under their own forms of government. Athens, for example, had a form of democratic government, while Sparta was under the rule of a king.

How did the government of ancient Greece impact peoples lives negatively and positively?

I know a positive way: They started the first democracy.