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Children's lives in Ancient Greece differed based on the city state they grew up in. Spartan boys began military training at the age of 7 and did not return home. Athenian boys were home schooled until the age of 13 and then were sent to school.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

They were brought up to be the replacement generation, the boys going to the farms, fisheries, trades etc and learning to be part of the army when called out.

The girls learnt to work in the home and vegetable garden so that they knew how to run a home and raise children.

Each had different religious duties to learn.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Education was compulsory for the ancient Greek citizen. There were two systems. One was the Athens education system that all children should attend the public school which was not free of charge. In their adolescence it was decided whether they will continue to higher level or would follow a technicians profession. Similar to that education was provided by all democratic cities allies of Athens.

In the Spartan system the education was provided by the state for all citizens children from the age of 6 until their first adult year. It was provided by teachers of the state's choice [παιδαγωγοί] in camps that were both schools and army training centers. The citizens of Sparta were ment to be first soldiers and the citizens. Similar or as close as possible education was provided by the city states that were Sparta's allies.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Small terracotta models

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βˆ™ 13y ago

boys did but girls stayed at home and learnt housing skills with their ma

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βˆ™ 13y ago

nope. girls were educated in housekeeping at home and only rich boys cold afford to go to school.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Sorry I don't know but what I do know is they played Ancient Greek games for kids.

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What is constellarium?

it is a play in which form is a serious play. it is written by the ancient Greece people

What did they play?

The games they played was soccer. That's really all they played in Greece .Soccer is the most popular game in Greece everyone plays it even the parents play with there kids . Greece is known as the #1 soccer place if you don't like soccer and you go there they are going to think your crazy!

What they play?

The games they played was soccer. That's really all they played in Greece .Soccer is the most popular game in Greece everyone plays it even the parents play with there kids . Greece is known as the #1 soccer place if you don't like soccer and you go there they are going to think your crazy!

How do you play mythology?

you can be a Greek god or goddess from ancient Greece and you can play it outside with your friends