They were brought up to be the replacement generation, the boys going to the farms, fisheries, trades etc and learning to be part of the army when called out.
The girls learnt to work in the home and vegetable garden so that they knew how to run a home and raise children.
Each had different religious duties to learn.
Education was compulsory for the ancient Greek citizen. There were two systems. One was the Athens education system that all children should attend the public school which was not free of charge. In their adolescence it was decided whether they will continue to higher level or would follow a technicians profession. Similar to that education was provided by all democratic cities allies of Athens.
In the Spartan system the education was provided by the state for all citizens children from the age of 6 until their first adult year. It was provided by teachers of the state's choice [παιδαγωγοί] in camps that were both schools and army training centers. The citizens of Sparta were ment to be first soldiers and the citizens. Similar or as close as possible education was provided by the city states that were Sparta's allies.
it is a play in which form is a serious play. it is written by the ancient Greece people
For fun.
a comedy in ancient greece mocked people or social customs. It was also called sattire. A comedy would be the opposite of a tradgedy.
The first modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece, because Greece 'invented' the Olympics in ancient times. The date was 1896. During WW2 they were suspended of course. They were scheduled for 1940 as they were in Berlin in 1936. Hitler got into the way for the never held 1940 Olympics. I have a comment on the modern day Olympics. In ancient Greece the idea was to credit the individual winners .. they were never intended to be a contest as to how many medals a country won. In ancient Greece the city states entered athletes but as example Sparta did not gather medals...
In Ancient Greece they had played in Chariots,marathons
they involved long jump wrestling fighting and running but no skating
Women in Ancient Greek were considered inferior to men and did not have the same rights. For that reason they were not allowed to participate in the Olympic games.
because it was something to play with in anient greece
The first play was put on at about 800 B.C. in Ancient Greece
Actually most Greek women didn't play games, but in some artifacts, they can be found playing several games involving several balls,maby leather, and are seen to be throwing or juggling them.
it is a play in which form is a serious play. it is written by the ancient Greece people
it is a play in which form is a serious play. it is written by the ancient Greece people
The games they played was soccer. That's really all they played in Greece .Soccer is the most popular game in Greece everyone plays it even the parents play with there kids . Greece is known as the #1 soccer place if you don't like soccer and you go there they are going to think your crazy!
The games they played was soccer. That's really all they played in Greece .Soccer is the most popular game in Greece everyone plays it even the parents play with there kids . Greece is known as the #1 soccer place if you don't like soccer and you go there they are going to think your crazy!
you can be a Greek god or goddess from ancient Greece and you can play it outside with your friends