In Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan who led a rebellion against the gods and was subsequently punished by Zeus to hold up the celestial spheres, not the world. This punishment was a metaphorical representation of the burden of supporting the heavens. The image of Atlas holding up the world likely originated from a misinterpretation or artistic license over time.
Atlas is a evil Titan. He is punished by holding up the sky.
The Romans believed that Apollo, the god of the sun, lit up the sky by driving his chariot across it every day.
When he had an itch he had to wait or never scratch it until his punishment was over but it never would end because he was sentenced to life to be 'the pillars' that hold the sky or heaven from making contact. I hoped this helped because it's not the right answer!
Not the world, but the heavens. Zues condemed him to hold the sky up for all time after the Titans revolt.
In real science, no one really holds up the sky. but in Greek mythology, a titan, Atlas, is punished to hold the sky. the titan lost in the first war the gods.
His name is Atlas
he holds up the sky
He holds up the sky at the titans base
It was said that the Titan, Atlas, supported the heavens as a punishment.
In Greek mythology, Atlas was usually portrayed as holding up the sky, not the earth. This task was given to him as a punishment by Zeus for his role in the Titanomachy, the war between the Titans and the Olympian gods.
Zephyrus is the West Wind, originating at the western edge of the Earth, where Atlas holds up the sky.
Atlas is a greek Titan who holds the sky up for punishment by the mighty god Zeus.
well because her father was atlas the titan who holds up the sky she was punished by the gods to ogygia because of her father.
The Iroquois worshipped the "good one". He who holds the sky.
What's full of holes but holds water? A sponge