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In Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan who led a rebellion against the gods and was subsequently punished by Zeus to hold up the celestial spheres, not the world. This punishment was a metaphorical representation of the burden of supporting the heavens. The image of Atlas holding up the world likely originated from a misinterpretation or artistic license over time.

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4mo ago
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10y ago

Atlas doesn't hold up the world, he holds up the sky, when the Olympians and titans went to war, (titanomachy) Atlas had to choose sides, he chose the titans, the Olympians won and atlas' punishment was to hold up the heavens for all eternity.

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13y ago

Yes. When the titans lost the war between them and the gods he was forced to hold the sky. The myths say that Ouranos (or Uranus however you want to spell it) was trying to reach his wife, Gaia, and someone had to hold up the sky because if the sky got to Gaia it would crush everything on earth. Atlas' daughter Calypso was also punished by being sent to Ogygia by the gods just for something she might have done. Ogygia was her island, frozen in time, she was there alone with rare visits. Atlas tried to trick the hero Heracles into holding the sky for him. But Heracles managed to trick him back. Atlas got the pity of Athena, who turned him to stone with her shield, which has the head of Medusa secured to it.

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12y ago

accordin to greeek mythology, atlas,the titan holds the sky at mount etna which was the throne of the titans

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14y ago

Before Atlas, No one really knows. I mean all I really know is that Atlas in Greek mythology was the first to hold up the sky. Hope this helped!

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What part did Atlas play in the creation of the world?

Atlas was punished by Zeus who made him hold up the heavens.

What did atlas hold on his shoulders?

Many people and paintings depict the titan Atlas holding up the world. This is entirely not true. When the gods of Greek Mythology beat their older relatives (the titans) in a war, Zeus assigned the strongest titan (Atlas) to hold up the SKY not the world.

What is atlas's burden?

Atlas's burden is to hold up the sky.

What does the world atlas have to do with greek mythology?

The world atlas is named after the Titan Atlas from Greek mythology, who was famously condemned to hold up the sky for eternity. The word "atlas" originally referred to a collection of maps because King Atlas was believed to have been a skilled astronomer and geographer.

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he put atlas under a spell where atlas had to hold up the sky for eternity

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Atlas it the Titan that was forced to hold up the sky after the Titanomachy. Fun Fact: The Atlantic Ocean means "The Sea of Atlas" and Atlantis means "The Island of Atlas"

Which titan is forced to hold up the world as punishment?

Ah my favorite, Atlas. Obviously the strongest for that reason.

Atlas the god symbolizes?

atlas symbolizes how beast men are because atlas, a man, can hold the entire world, while all a woman can hold is a frying pan

What did Atlas carry on his shoulders?

Not the world, but the heavens. Zues condemed him to hold the sky up for all time after the Titans revolt.

What happend to Atlas and why did it happen?

Atlas was forced to hold up the heavens forever because he opposed Zeus.

What is a titan called when he has a tough job?

The titan who is known for having a tough job is Atlas, as it is his responsibility to hold up the whole world.

Why does Atlas carry the world on his shoulders?

In Greek mythology, Atlas was punished by Zeus and tasked with holding up the sky, not the world. The misconception of Atlas holding up the world likely comes from confusion with the Titan Atlas' role in supporting the heavens.