Archaeologist (APEX)
an archaeologist
"Are you Egyptian?" "Yes, I am from Egypt, there for I am an Egyptian."
Egyptian pound
Egyptian pharaohs are people that ruled Egyptian people like presidents.
The archaeologist unearthed an ancient Egyptian relic.
The possessive word for Archaeologist is Archaeologist's
The correct spelling is "archaeologist."
Howard Carter was a British archaeologist. He discovered The Rosetta Stone in 1922. He enabled archaeologists to decipher the Ancient Egyptian writing.(hieroglyphics)
An archaeologist from Britain.
The archaeologist carefully excavated the ancient ruins to uncover artifacts from the past.
Of course he's dusty, he's an archaeologist. I want to be an archaeologist.
The Archaeologist was created in 1984.
The archaeologist discovered ancient artifacts buried in the excavation site.
Peter glob is an archaeologist
An adjective for an archaeologist isintelligent and patient.
Really, I am studying to be an archaeologist.