All good things are from God, whom created life. John14:6 Jesus answered "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." We have salvation from God if we accept Jesus as our savior in prayer and in life.Matt.6:14-17 reminds us we must also remember to forgive and not to judge or condemn.
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Christians believe that God is a powerful, loving, all seeing god. He loves the world so much, that He was willing to send His only son to die a painful horrible death so that we would beable to spend eternity with God. God is so Holly, so perfect, that he can not look at sin. The penalty for sin is death, so God sent down his son to pay for everyone's sins throughout eternity .
Polytheism is the belief of many gods and monotheism is the belief of one god.
Many people miss the point of the Babel story. The belief that the builders were trying to get to Heaven is a bit simplistic, and totally incorrect. God punished the builders because of their arrogance, their belief that they were equal to God.
The god of forces in various mythologies and belief systems is often associated with different deities, such as Ares in Greek mythology, Thor in Norse mythology, and Indra in Hindu mythology. These gods are typically linked to power, strength, and warfare.
Whether you believe in a god or gods depends on your level of belief. If you get comfort is believing that your god speaks to you - good luck to you!
Belief in One God.
yes i think so
A single god created the universe
Belief in the God-given Torah.
That the Torah is God-given, eternal, and binding.
a single god created the universe (APEX)
The most important Islamic belief about God is TAWHID(توحيد) or Oneness, meaning that God is a singular entity with no partners, no equivalents, and no additional components. This is a direct argument against the Christian Trinity or the Hindu Pantheon.
Belief in one and only one God with no partner, no son, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence.Answer:That there has never been any god but the One God of Abraham. Any other belief is man-made and, therefore, false.God is One and Only One. He has no partner. No mother. No father. No sister. No brother. No daughter. No son.
The beliefs are:-belief in God(no one has the right to be worshipped except God) - belief in the Angels of God -belief in the books of God -belief in Gods messengers -belief in the last day(the end of the world and judgment day) -belief in fate and divine decree
Beleif in One God.
The belief in one God is Monotheism.
Absolute.Answer:Many names apply to a belief in god(s)theismpantheismmonotheismsatanism