The blades of Oceanus
There is no Greek or Roman deity with this name. Perhaps you are thinking of Okeanos (Oceanus), who was the Titan that personified the oceans at the edge of the world. Oceania is most usually identified with a region of the southwest Pacific ocean.
The parents of the Titan Oceanus are Gaia and Uranus.
Oceanus the Greek god did not die in myth.
Oceanus was not a bad Titan, in fact when his brothers rebelled against their father Ouranos; Oceanus was the only one of his sons who did not assist in overthrowing their father's rule.
The spelling "Okeanos" is the Greek spelling, used to mean a Titan associated with the world ocean. The spelling Oceanus is Roman.
The Romans often used the word oceanus for ocean. The Greeks were the ones to originally use the word oceanus.
Oceanus IS his Latin name.. and since the Romans spoke Latin, it's his Roman name too. It's pronounced oh-kay-AH-noos. In Greek it's Okeanos (oh-KAY-aw-nos).
Oceanus Atlanticus, in Roman times, referred to the body of water known as the Atlantic Ocean. The Romans were aware of its existence and referred to it as Oceanus Atlanticus, which translates to the Atlantic Ocean in English. They understood it to be a vast expanse of water separating Europe and Africa from the unknown lands beyond.
In Greek myth Oceanus. In Roman myth Ops.
oceanus has no enemy
The blades of Oceanus
Oceanus Hopkins
We got the word "ocean" from his name.
Oceanus had 11 siblings. He later married one of them.