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In Greek mythology, Pegasus was a winged horse sired by Poseidon, in his role as horse-god, and foaled by the Gorgon Medusa. The plural of Pegasus is Pegasi.

Pegasi are considered different in many cultures and also myths and legends. In some the Pegasi are winged horses, shaped by the clouds, that supposedly carried thunderbolts for Zeus.

In other's it is a bit different. Pegasi are known to be winged horses that glow bright white and have flames as manes, tails and flames in their eyes. They are temperemental creatures and if they are threatened, they will not hesitate to attack. Although they look quite dangerous, Pegasi are known to be the most beautiful creatures one could possibly see. Take note, they are the most beautiful CREATURES, the most beautiful creatures that resemble humans are Veela.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Pegasus is a horse with large angle wings. its commonly mistaken for a Unicorn yet it doesn't have a horn in its head. Its been known to be very friendly yet very wise. this creature began from myth, and sometimes you see Pegasus in the stars at Autumn

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βˆ™ 7y ago

Pegasus the winged horse was one of the Greek mythological animals.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The Pegasus represents many different things. It is used now to represent power and speed. It was used in the past to represent creativity, honor, and knowledge.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

it is a winged horse that can be any colour

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βˆ™ 15y ago

A beautiful winged horse. The servent of Zeus. Was sprang by the blood of Medusa.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

A white, winged horse.

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What is the scientific name for a Pegasus?

The scientific name for a Pegasus is "Equus pegasus."

When did pegasus die?

Pegasus has never died because Pegasus has never lived. Pegasus is a fictional character from Greek mythology.

What is the Roman name for the Pegasus?

Pegasus is a Greek figure.

If a Pegasus Mare on is pregnant could her foal turn out to be a Pegasus?

No, Pegasus horses can't be born as Pegasus horses. They must be given Medusa's blood to become a Pegasus.

Does Pegasus have powers?

Pegasus is a flying horse

How did pegasus become a constellation?

zeus turned pegasus into constellation and put pegasus in night sky

Was Pegasus a god?

No, a Pegasus is not a god. A Pegasus was a winged horse found in Greek and Roman mythology.

What is the offspring of a horse and a pegasus?

The pegasus' genes overpower tht of the horse, so it's a pegasus!