Ancient Argos had a monarchy. A monarchy is a form of government with only one ruler.
A MONARCHY is defined as a government ruled by an authoritarian leader whose authority is transmitted hereditarily.
Ancient Greece was a Monarchy, oligarchie, tyranny, then a democracy (in order).
The Trojan Horse were built by the Achaean. The leader of them were the Mycenaean.
Democracy or a Mawcracy.
A Roman republic
A monarchy is a form of government headed by a king, queen, or an emperor.
The form of government you are referring to is a theocracy, where the ruler governs with divine authority and is both the political and religious leader of a society. Examples include ancient Egypt with the pharaohs and the Vatican City with the Pope.
We need a name of a leader.
a monarchy
the republican form of government
After an election the leader of the largest party is invited (by the Queen's representative) to attempt to form a cabinet and if successful this cabinet becomes the government, drawing up legislation to be debated and voted on by the NZ parliament.
A monarchy is a form of government ruled by a king or queen. A democracy is a form of government in which the citizens participate equally in proposal, development and creation of laws. A democracy with a monarch (king or queen) as head of state is called a "Constitutional Monarchy"