The Greek name was Apollo.
His Greek name is Dionysus.
Hades IS the Greek name.
The greek name for Neptune is Poseidon, the greek god of the sea.
Cronus was the Greek name. His Roman name was Saturn.
Arcus is not a Greek god, but a roman god. She corresponds to Iris, goddess of the rainbow - messenger of the gods, in Greek mythology.
If you mean What is the Latin for rainbow, it is arcus pluvius, or arcus alone, Arcus is a 4th declension noun, so its plural is not "arci" but arcus.
Arcus Odyssey was created in 1991.
Arcus Odyssey happened in 1991.
Arcus Argentariorum was created in 204.
Arcus-Air Logistic was created in 1973.
Rainbow = Arcus Iris; also either word alone. Horace used "arcus pluvius," however most Romans probably just said "arcus."
The Greek root of "arch" is "archos," which means chief or ruler.
(by a can of beans)The best Pokemon in Pokemon
Arcus (-i, m).
Rainbow = Arcus Iris
You need a Nintendo event and then he is on Mt.Coronet