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Q: What is the home of Socrates and early democracy?
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What was the home of the Socrates and early democracy?


What was the home of socrates and an early democracy?

The home of the famous philosopher, Socrates, and also the birthplace of democracy was ancient Athens. Located in the southeastern portion of mainland Greece in the eastern portion of the Mediterranean Basin, Athens enjoyed a Golden (or, Classical) period in which both Socrates and democracy were born. On both counts, civilization has been profoundly influenced -- and is likely to continue to be influenced.

What was the home of Socrates and an early demorcracy was in ancient Greece?


Who contributed to ancient Greece democracy?


Who introduced the Athenian democracy?

cleithenes introduced democracy in ancient Athens

How did socrates show his loyalty to the Athenian democracy?

he refused to escape from prison

How did Plato's Opinion Of democracy differ from that Socrates?

plato smells really bad and is old and Socrates was the man so he obviously was right..

Did Socrates like or dislike democracy?

Socrates was critical of democracy because he believed that it could be easily manipulated by demagogues and lead to unjust decision-making. He was also concerned about the influence of majority opinion over truth and reason.

How did Plato's opinions differ from Socrates opinions of democracy?

plato smells really bad and is old and Socrates was the man so he obviously was right..

How did Plato's opinion of democracy differ from Socrates opinion?

plato smells really bad and is old and Socrates was the man so he obviously was right..

Why did Socrates objected to democracy?

because it would put power in the hands of the non experts

Who believed that the best form of government combine parts of monarchy oligarchy and democracy?
