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There were three main forms of government in ancient Greece: Monarchy, Oligarchy and Democracy. I am unable to locate how the government of the Greek cities reflected the structure of the Greek families.
Attempting to talk about ancient Greece as if had a single government. The Greek world comprised over 2,000 independent city-states each with their own government, with several systems being used.
Yassou, which means hi/bye (kind of like ciao in Italian) Don't Know about Ancient Greek words
Ancient Athens adopted the first directly democratic government
Greek. Many buildings in the US government are of the ancient Greek style.
Ancient Greek.
The Ancient Greek created the principles of government.
The U.S. government is a federal republic with a system of checks and balances between its branches, while Ancient Greek government varied across city-states but commonly included forms of direct democracy, oligarchy, and tyranny. The U.S. government is structured on a constitution, whereas Ancient Greek government often operated without a written constitution.
a monarchy.