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Provocative, concerned with problems and conflicts sometimes disturbing to his audiences, Euripides displays a rationalistic and iconoclastic attitude toward the gods and an interest in less heroic, even homely, characters

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He wrote play tragedies. He wrote about real-life situations. He questioned traditional thinking especially war.

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he wrote 92 and 19 survived

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Q: What kind of plays did Euripides write?
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Where did Euripides write his plays?

He wrote plays to teach us lessons about our selves

Who wrote plays that criticized the wrongs he saw in society and the mistreatment of women was it Euripides?

Euripides is the correct answer.

Why was Euripides important?

Euripides was a Greek playwright mostly known for being the first man to use women in his plays

What were some accomplishments of Euripides?

He was a play writer.

Did Sophocles write 'Alcestis'?

No, Euripides (c. 480 B.C.E. - c. 406 B.C.E.) wrote the tragedy "Alcestis."Specifically, Sophocles (c. 496 B.C.E. - c. 406 B.C.E.) was Euripides' contemporary. At the time, Thebes and Troy were popular topics for plays. So Sophocles is known for authorship of three plays about Theban King Oedipus: "Oedipus Rex," "Oedipus at Colonus" and "Antigone." In contrast, Euripides is known for writing plays about women whose lives are affected by the coming, carrying out and losing of the Trojan War.

How many times did Euripides win prizes for his work?

Euripides won four prizes for his plays at the annual Athenian dramatic competitions called the Dionysia.

What was the main theme of Euripides plays?

His plays were realalistic He questioned traditional thinking in real life situations. :)

What were euripides' contributions to theatre?

Euripides (485 - 406 BCE) wrote very realistic tragedies dealing with psychological issues. He wrote such plays as "The Trojan Woman."

Who was playwright that wrote Phaedra?

The playwright who wrote Phaedra is Jean Racine. He was a French dramatist known for his tragedy plays, and Phaedra is one of his most famous works.

Oedipus the King is one of his 100 known plays written in verse?

Sophocles and Euripides

Who was the author of Medea?

Euripides. :)

How did Euripides influence modern day lifes?

Euripides, one of the great Greek tragedians, has had a lasting influence on modern-day life in several ways. His plays explore complex human emotions and moral dilemmas, presenting characters that face challenging situations and grapple with their own flaws and desires. These themes continue to resonate with audiences today, as they explore timeless aspects of the human condition. Additionally, Euripides' emphasis on the role of women in society and his portrayal of strong, independent female characters have been influential in feminist interpretations and discussions of his works.