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Q: What materials was the plague mask made of?
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What materials should a mask and snorkel be mad of?

It should be made out of plastic. ( I guarantee it ).

What methods did medieval doctors use to avoid contracting the plague?

They used protective suits made of leather with a mask with a long nose full of flowers, coz they belived the plague was caused by bad smells.

What materials is the Mayan jade mask made of?

I have found a link online that may answer your question...

Where can you buy a plague doctor mask?

Make your own. You can use paper mache' to make it.

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What is Mask II by ron mueck made of?

According to the Brooklyn Museum, it is mixed media. I would imagine that it is made from the same materials as his larger pieces which is silicone, fiberglass, paint, and nylon. There are a few YouTube videos that deal with making of the Mask II.

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kane's mask was made from vinyl

Why did the plague doctor were the costume?

They thought their clothing (and particularly their bird masks) would keep them from contracting the Plague. The whole costume was designed, or so they believed to ward off the plague. The beak was stuffed with herbs to keep the smell (and they thought the plague) at bay. The long waxed cloak and hat again to ward off the deathly plague and the staff to stop them having to touch the victims.

How were pharaoh death mask made?

Pharaoh death masks were made by skilled craftsmen using materials such as solid gold or gold leaf to create the mask. The process involved sculpting a lifelike representation of the pharaoh's face, often with intricate details and decorations. The mask was then placed over the mummified pharaoh's face to protect and accompany them in the afterlife.

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What herbs were used in the plague doctors mask?

AnswerThe masks were made of stiffened cloth and painted to look like bird beaks. One reason for this was that some people thought birds spread the plague, so wearing a bird mask was a sort of reverse charm against it, and another reason was to keep your face and nose as far from the "bad air" as possible to avoid contracting the disease.

What gets you through the large steel door to the plague on super Scribblenauts?

you put on a gas mask..... an well that's it