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The Roman Empire actually fell over a long period of time. Many people refer to the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire, which went on to be known as the Byzantium Empire and remained in power for another 1000 years. The Western Roman Empire continued to be ruled by Rome.

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The time period was the start of what is known as the dark ages.
It was called the Dark Ages.

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Q: What period of history began when rome fell?
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What is a good topic sentence for the fall of rome leads into the dark ages?

In 410 AD Rome fell and so began a 1000 years of history known as the "dark ages."

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There were no medieval Roman kings because Rome fell in 410 AD which started the medieval period of history.

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Rome's history began in 753 BC and is still going on today. That would make it 2765 years long.

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The Song They Sang... When Rome Fell was created in 2002.

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The Romans never conquered the British empire. The British empire began roughly 1,600 years after Rome fell. Rome annexed the province of Britannia into its empire in 43 AD.

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