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the beautiful paintings and drawlings.

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Q: What props were the ancient Greek theatre known for?
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Did they us animals in ancient greek theatre?

Generally speaking, no. Ancient Greek theater was very minimalistic with no set, hardly any props, and no animals at all. It relied very heavily on imagination.

Why was there an altar in the ancient Greek theatre?

Theatrical performances were part of festivals in honour of a god, hence the altar before which it was performed. The altar also was later used to keep props and actors which were brought out at the appropriate time.

Did Roman theatre use props?


What instruments did they use in the theatre in Ancient Rome?

Musical Instruments:Lyres, Tambourines, Drums, Flutes. Theatrical Instruments:Pulleys [to hoist up props/people on rope].

What does eccylema mean?

An eccyclema is wagon used back in greek theatre, for basic scenery or props that is rolled out of the skene, aka the scene house, on to the logein, aka the stage.

Arrange the following developments in ancient Greek theater in order from first to last based on when they first appeared written scripts dithyramb props and masks skene?

the dithyramb, props and masks, the skene, and written scripts

Did they use props and costumes int he globe theatre?


When a play has finished clearing the set is known as the?

Its called "strike". This is when the props, sets and scenery are taken down at the end of a production. The theatre is then considered "dark".

What is the origin of the term 'bump in' in theatre?

Bump in means to load the props in the theater.

What do physical theaters do that make them a physical theater?

physical theatre is different from regular theatre in the way that regular theater uses many lines and the props are made by people but physical theatre does not use props and tends to use bodies to create objects and scenes much physical theatre is in paris and a typical mime is the besta example of this ;)

What definition best describes this term Props?

Parts for use in a theatre.

Did they use props and costumes in shakespeare theatre?

Yes they did! they used meant otherwise it would not be a play.