Developments in science, art, and philosophy benefited from the interaction of cultures.
You musn't dare to question the fact that the great university of Alexandria in Egypt was founded during the Hellenistic Period. Aristotle thrived during the Hellenistic Period. Alexander the Great went all "Conquering Hero" on the Persians during the Hellenistic Period.
The Hellenistic period. :3
The religion during transcendentalism period was Unitarianism
Cleopatra lived and ruled during the Ptolemaic or Hellenistic period of Egypt.
The Hellenistic period is distinguished by the major influence of Greek cultural in Europe, Africa, and Asia. It is considered hedonistic when compared to the Classical Greek period.
The Hellenistic period was an important period for Western philosophy. Some of the major philosophies of the period were Pythagoreanism, Platonism, Cynicism, Stoicism, Sophism, and Pyrrhonism.
Hellenistic civilization refers to the period between 323 and 31 BCE. The main cultures throughout this period were ancient Greece and Rome.
The Hellenistic period is part of the Ancient world, not to the Middle Ages.
You musn't dare to question the fact that the great university of Alexandria in Egypt was founded during the Hellenistic Period. Aristotle thrived during the Hellenistic Period. Alexander the Great went all "Conquering Hero" on the Persians during the Hellenistic Period.
The Hellenistic period was the period between the conquests of Alexander the Great to the conquest of Egypt, the last Hellenistic state which fell to the Romans,
The Hellenistic Age began at the end of the Classical Period 323 BCE. It was marked by the death of Alexander the Great.
The Hellenistic Period begins with the death of Alexander.
The period following Alexander the Great's death is known as the Hellenistic Period. This period differs from the preceding Hellenic Period in that it is more widespread and much more eclectic, as it witnessed the movement of Greek culture into all parts of the non-Greek world in the Middle and Near East and elsewhere. With the rise of the Roman Empire (in especially the first century B.C.E.), the Hellenistic Period comes to a close.
The Hellenistic period. :3
The Hellenistic period after Alexander's death, when his empire was divided up by his generals, who established the Hellenistic Kingdoms.
The Hellenistic period. :3