Most had earthen houses with flat rooves made of dirt and straw. In the summer, people would sleep on the roof to stay cool and it just counted as another part of their house. It was against the law not to have a railing/latice work around the roof for safety. If a house fell down and killed an inhabitant, the builder of the house was tracked down and stoned to death for his bad craftsmanship.
The walls were adobe or sun-dried brick with flat cross members covered with hay and mud. It was a dry area so rain tearing the roof up was not worried about. The reason why this is what is believed is because of the friends who lowered their friend down to be healed through the roof.
There is no indication in The Bible what they were like, only that they provided the same necessary needs that our houses provide us today - shelter and food and clothes.
Saint Peter the Apostle was probably in his mid 30s at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus.
Zeus lived in a time period before Jesus Christ was born. It is said that he was born in 700 B.C.
The Ancient Greeks did not celebrate Christmas. Christmas is the commemoration of the Birth of Jesus and, as Jesus had not been born in Ancient Greek times, it was celebrated. Christianity had not been founded at this time.
yes BC aka 300Bc is 300 before crist Most definitely. The ancient Chinese, Jewish, Sumerian and other ancient calendars attest to the fact that time was marked formally long before Jesus was born.
His second dream was when the same angel came into it and told him that the King of that time, King Harold was coming to KILL the baby Jesus and Joesph took Baby Jesus and Mary and left and never would return again.
they had lots of rooms
I think where Jesus lived it was warm...
Nothing like today. Inns existed. Most houses were made of stone or wood, maybe sun-dried sand bricks. It's hard to know for sure.
very poor
Twas not the best.
To survive
Jesus was not like the Jesus that they had read in the prophets. The believed that law over mercy.
The houses were small ones, with thatched hay and baked bricks.
The roads during the time of Jesus were very bad and rugged roads, there were highway robbers also to worry about.