The Priests were required to wear a white linen garb and and white sandals
The rulers of Ancient Egypt were the pharaohs.
The absolute ruler of Egypt was the Pharaoh.
Triangular domes, called pyramids, were ancient Egyptian architecture.
Pharaoh,They were considered the embodiment of God on Earth. They were buried after elaborate ceremony and embalming in tombs.
There are 3 kindoms old,middle,and new kindom
The priests lived in the temples of ancient Egypt.
gold and jewlery
They had to keep bad things from happening.
the great pyriamd was built in 1889 in eygpht
The rulers of ancient Egypt were called "pharohs".
The rulers of ancient Egypt were called pharaohs.
There was no such special oracle. The high priest was said to know the future though.
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The rulers of Ancient Egypt were the pharaohs.
Slaves in Ancient Egypt were called hem
Ancient Romans called Egypt Aegyptus. This derived for the word for Egypt used by the ancient Greeks, which was Aigyptos.
the paper used in ancient Egypt is called papyrus