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The Priests were required to wear a white linen garb and and white sandals

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high priests that the pharaoh appointed to leave food, drink, gold, gems, and incense for the gods

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Flanders or Father Ted perhaps?

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Q: What was the priest called in ancient Egypt?
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Where did priest live in ancient Egypt?

The priests lived in the temples of ancient Egypt.

What did priest trade in ancient Egypt?

gold and jewlery

What was a job of a priest in ancient Egypt?

They had to keep bad things from happening.

What are priest in ancient Egypt?

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What are the rulers from ancient Egypt called?

The rulers of ancient Egypt were called "pharohs".

What title was given to the rulers of ancient Egypt?

The rulers of ancient Egypt were called pharaohs.

About the Ancient Oracle in Ancient Egypt?

There was no such special oracle. The high priest was said to know the future though.

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What were rulers in ancient Egypt called?

The rulers of Ancient Egypt were the pharaohs.

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What is Egypt called in anccccient roma?

Ancient Romans called Egypt Aegyptus. This derived for the word for Egypt used by the ancient Greeks, which was Aigyptos.

What was the paper used in ancient Egypt?

the paper used in ancient Egypt is called papyrus