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Being a Pharaoh was a job - king of Egypt. 'Pharaoh' is what the Israelites called the Egyptian kings. they lead prayer ceremonies.

Egyptian Pharaohs usually had to inspect irrigation projects that went on in the city, they held meetings with foreign merchants and leaders, oversaw annual harvests, and made decisions about government, laws, trade, and foreign policies. :)

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12y ago
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16y ago

The types of jobs ancient Egyptians would have done: Bakers, Scribes, Priests, Farmers, Artists, Stone carvers, Fishermen, Clothing Makers, Fabric Dyers, Astronomers, Animal Herders, Beer and Wine Makers, Boat builders, Merchants, Burial personnel, Architects, Doctors, Weapon Makers, Miners, Paper makers, Glass makers, Quarry workers, Furniture makers, Wig makers, Soldiers, Jewellers.

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8y ago

Some jobs you could have in ancient Egypt were:

  • fishermen
  • soldiers (men only)
  • blacksmiths (Men only)
  • priests
  • vassals
  • farmers
  • scribes (men only)
  • farmers
  • craftspeople
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14y ago

Many slaves in ancient Egypt performed the role of servants in the houses of the wealthy. They were usually fairly treated, adequately clothed and well fed. Remember there were no modern labour saving devices. Every household job had to be done by hand. It was hard graft.

Some slaves were hired as mercenaries in the army.

Those who were less fortunate were forced to do humiliating, degrading and often dangerous work such as working on the land, digging canals, building monuments, quarrying and worst of all working in the mines. They were at the mercy of tough overseers. Food was pretty basic and they were usually naked and punished if they didn't work hard enough.

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14y ago

Shopkeepers back then had shops that held important things like: Sandals, food, clothes, ect. Shopkeepers didn't know many things back then. They didn't even know what ice-cream is! Can you believe that?

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7y ago

Jobs of the pharaohs are symbols of life, and the pharaoh is the head of the government, and the pharaoh decides how Egypt's affairs should be run from highest to lowest levels.

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14y ago

cooking, cleaning, serving food and washing clothes

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15y ago

bo ogers

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What were the ancient Egyptian jobs?

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What jobs were there in ancient Egypt?

Ancient Egyptian JobsThe Pyramid of PowerJobs relating to the Government of EgyptAncient Egyptian ScribesAncient Egyptian Priests / Priestesses and AstrologersAncient Egyptian Engineers and ArchitectsAncient Egyptian Builders and ArtistsAncient Egyptian SoldiersAncient Egyptian Manual Laborers, Fishermen and FarmersAncient Egyptian Camel Breeders

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they are things that the pharaohs servants carried the pharaoh around in. hope that helps

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To cry for strangers. Lol if you use tis your screwed.

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