The source of the first feudal system is not known. One of the most famous feudal systems was set up in England under the government of William I. He was also known as William the Conqueror, and ruled from December of 1066 to September of 1087.
Feudalism wan't invented at a certain point in time. It was a system that evolved as most human systems do. It is thought to have its origins with second century C.E. nomadic tribes of the Central Asian steppes. You can read more about it at the related link.
Feudalism wan't invented at a certain point in time. It was a system that evolved as most human systems do. It is thought to have its origins with second century C.E. nomadic tribes of the Central Asian steppes. You can read more about it at the related link.
Feudalism wan't invented at a certain point in time. It was a system that evolved as most human systems do. It is thought to have its origins with second century C.E. nomadic tribes of the Central Asian steppes. You can read more about it at the related link.
Feudalism wan't invented at a certain point in time. It was a system that evolved as most human systems do. It is thought to have its origins with second century C.E. nomadic tribes of the Central Asian steppes. You can read more about it at the related link.
William the Conqueror brought feudalism to Britain in 1066, the year of The Battle of Hastings.
The desmene was the lands which were held as part of a heritable manor in the hands of the lord himself. In a feudal system, the lord would be responsible for a certain number of lands, some of which would be granted to others on some form of feudal tenure. The desmene was what he kept for his own purposes.
Lords were very important in Ancient China. This is because the country was run on a feudal system in which lords owned parts of the land and the people in it.
the year the world was made
The castem system is a system of divison a labour and power in human society and start in india
around 1080
No, the feudal system was a medieval system.
feudal is the answer
Chivalry was an outgrowth of the feudal system
They supported the entire feudal system by working the land.
a labourer who labours under a feudal system
the feudal system works how by William taking the mici out of people to be loyal to him.
William created the feudal system to keep control of England
The feudal system was weakened because of the crusades.
The feudal system was imposed on serfs (poor farmers) by Princes: the wealthy nobility.
One thing that can be said about a feudal economic system is that it is more of a barter trade system.
The Feudal System achieved political and social stability through ?