Feudal tenants are the folks who rent betterments from a feudal landlord.
the feudal system was sustained by the rights and privileges given to the upper classes and in most cases enacted by laws
There is one major error here: the Catholic Church, while structured as a hierarchy, is not an example of the feudal system.The Pope is the Bishop of Rome, and the formal leader of the Catholic Church.
The feudal ceremony in which a vassal received land from a lord was called an investiture. Chivalry was the code of conduct developed by the feudal nobles.
Feudal barons only exist in Scotland in the UK and retain a dignity preserved by the Abolition of Feudal Tenure, etc (Scotland) Act 2000. A feudal barony is the only title of nobility legally assignable and able to be legally alienated from the bloodline of its previous possessor. Historically, feudal barons were the first nobles, the King's men, who held land directly from the Crown and were granted a legal jurisdiction over their territory, the barony. Now, the dignity of a feudal baron is a personal title and carries with it no special powers beyond the title of 'baron', certain qualities and precedence, and a few heraldic privileges.
Serfs, Peasants, Slaves, Peons,
An agricultural laborer bound under the feudal system to work on his lord's estate.
A feudal serf attached to the soil was a peasant laborer who worked the land belonging to a landlord in exchange for protection and a portion of the crops. They were not free to leave the land without the landlord's permission, making them essentially tied to the land they worked on.
The singular of laborer wages is laborer wage. As in "the laborer wage is very small".
landless laborer?
In Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, the character that would likely have belonged to the lowest rung in feudal society is the Plowman. The Plowman is depicted as a hardworking and virtuous laborer, fitting the profile of a low-ranking peasant in medieval society.
a lowly laborer is a Peon
Laborer is the correct spelling.
Laborer's Love was created in 1922.
An Amateur Laborer was created in 1983.
The duration of Laborer's Love is 1800.0 seconds.