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2000 B.C.E.

There is no definite answer on this question. Although 2000 B.C.E.-1 C.E. can serve to you as a guideline it is severely generalized, of course. Ancient Greece is a modern term which serves to distinct between ancient, medieval and modern times, roughly.

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13y ago

i have the same question but im not sure this will help but some say it wasn't established because it was one of the oldest countries in the world.

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10y ago

From the Archaic period of the 8th to 6th centuries to the end of antiquity which was 600 AD.

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Q: What year was ancient Greece founded?
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i bet your in year 5 or 6 trying to do a project on ancient Greece

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Ancient rome was founded in 753bc

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We don't know, seeing as how our month/year is different from ancient Greece, which is lost to history.