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If the question is about the age of Athens, is not yet defined, but is surely at the same place more than 3 thousand years.

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Q: When did Athens exist?
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When did Sparta and Athens exist?

Shhh, Athens still exists. But it is a secret.

Does The greek city Athens still exist today?


Is Athens Greece a made up city that was invented in the 18th century?

No, Athens in Greece is an ancient Greek city for which MUCH archeological remains exist.

Why does peaceful Athens Exists today and warrior Sparta doesn't?

Peaceful Athens exist today because the type of government is democracy and Sparta is oligarchy and democracy went on but not oligarchy. We still have the type of government democracy today.

What city nowadays is named after Athena?

Athens , Greece In the United States : Athens, Alabama Athens, Arkansas Athens, California Athens, Georgia Athens, Illinois Athens, Indiana Athens, Kentucky Athens, Louisiana Athens, Maine Athens, Michigan Athens, Mississippi Athens, New York: Athens (town), New York Athens (village), New York Athens, Ohio, a town Athens County, Ohio Athens, Pennsylvania, a borough Athens, Tennessee Athens, Texas Athens, Vermont Athens, West Virginia Athens, Wisconsin

How many towns named Athens in the US?

Athens, Alabama Athens, Georgia Athens, Texas Athens, Ohio Athens, Illinois Athens, Indiana Athens, Maine New Athens, Illinois Athens, County Ohio Athens, New York Athens, Pennsylvania Athens, West Virginia Athens, Wisconsin Athens, Louisiana Athens, Michigan

Where and when the 1800 Olympics held?

Nowhere, because they did not exist in the early 1800's. The first games as we know it came was held in Athens, Greece in 1896.

Who built the aropolis?

The Acropolis, in Athens, Greece, is said to have been built by Pericles and his team of workers. Parts of it, particularly the Parthenon, still exist today.

What city is farther north Athens or Sparta?


How many Athens are there?

There are 2 Athens in the world. One is the capitl city of Greece and the other one is a small town in Georgia. (Thats in the U.S) THERES ANOTHER ATHENS IN TEXAS SMARTEE !!!! There are many other towns in the US named Athens: Athens, TN Athens, AL Athens, OH Athens, CA Athens, AR Athens, IL Athens, IN Athens, LA Athens, ME Athens, MI Athens, MS Athens, NY Athens, PA Athens, VT Athens, VA Athens, WV Athens, WI Athens, KS The bottom line is there are a lot of cities/towns named Athens. There are 23 in North America alone. All of them are named after the original city of Athens in Greece.

What is the first city state to establish democracy?

Athens Greece was the birthplace of democracy.

Where was the ancient Greece standium in Greece?

There were many standiums in ancient Greece, not a single one..many of them exist today, such as Epidavrus,Panathinean Stadium in Athens and many more...