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Lord Carnarvon died from an infected mosquito bite given to him while searching for King Tut's chamber.

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April 5 1923

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Q: When did lord carnarvon die?
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How soon after lord carnarvon helped to open the tomb did he die?

Lord Carnarvon died months after entering the tomb. He and George Herbert entered the interior chambers on November 26, 1922. Carnarvon did not die until April the following year.

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How many people die because of the King Tut's Curse?

1. Carter's partner Lord Carnarvon

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Lord Carnarvon thought that he and Howard Carter will never find the tomb

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Lord Carnarvon

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Lord Carnarvon

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Did lord carnavon have a pyramid?

Lord Carnarvon did not have a pyramid. He was an Englishman who worked with Howard Carter.

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Who financed Howard Carter's work?

Lord Carnarvon financed his work

Who financed Howard Carter's digs?

Howard Carter's digs in the Valley of the Kings, particularly his most famous discovery of King Tutankhamun's tomb, were financed by Lord Carnarvon, a British aristocrat and amateur Egyptologist. Lord Carnarvon provided the financial support for Carter's excavations in Egypt over many years.

Who paid for howard carters expedition?

Lord Carnarvon helped finance the excavation of King Tutankhamun