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march 24th

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Pamela Ferry

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Q: When did the school year in Ancient Rome begin?
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When did the school year in ancient rome always begin?

march 24th

What day did school begin each year in Ancient Rome?

It is not known. The Roman school system was different than ours and the Romans did not have holiday periods, except for occasional days off for religious festivals.

What year was ancient Rome found in?

Ancient rome was founded in 753bc

How ancient was Ancient Rome?

Ancient Rome was at it's peak in the year CE 117.

What year was ancient found in?

ancient Rome was founded in 753bc

What year was ancient Rome discoved?

Rome was not discovered, it was created and founded

What year did rome begin?

Rome was founded in 753 BC.

In what year in the rise of rome could women vote?

women never voted in ancient Rome.

When did the roman empire began the year?

The year in ancient Rome begun on 1 March.

What year did the Romans begin in?

The city of Rome began in 753 BC.

How long did tribunes rule in rome?

Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.

The year the first ancient Olympics took place?

The ancient Olympics are said to begin around the year 776BC.