Hercules was bisexual.
hercules hercules
Hercules is the son of Zeus.
It depends on which movie of Hercules you are referring to - there are a few of them.
not 100% sure but I know that Hades was jealous of Zues (Hercules' father) so he sent two creatures to Hercules to kill him, by the time Zues had got to where the cradle was, Hercules wasn't there (the creatures had brought Hercules to Earth). When Hercules was on earth, he wasn't a god.
YMB's house.
This is quite a broad question. And there are too many adaptations of Hercules in the media to name when all of them came out.
you get Hercules to come with you.
You use the teleporting mirror.
Hercules was from the culture of the Romans. His Greek name was Heracles. The legend of Hercules originates from the myth of Heracles, an ancient Greek myth. Hercules is his Roman name, in the Roman adaptation of the original Greek tale.
Get the mirror from Aphrodite. Talk to Hercules. If you want him somewhere, go there first. Then teleport back to Hercules and together to your destination.
you have to go get fruit and give it to him
At the end of the Hercules myth Hercules gets poisoned by his wife on accident, Zues was all like "ah crap", and so he was like son come and be a god and a constellation. I think this is right, im not 100%
i did but i forgot but i do know that Medusa turns him into stone
you dont
He won't. He said he will wait outside.
Hot tub come in