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When Perseues cut off Medusas head pegasus sprung out from her body and flew away.

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Q: Where did Pegasus come from?
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Related questions

How come nobody on webkinz has the pegasus?

The Pegasus is a retired webkinz. Some may have it, I have seen it before.

Does cyber pegasus video game come with a launcher?


What country does pegasus come from?

Ancient greek,they were part of there myths.

What pack does the Pegasus silly band come in?

the fantasy pack

What is a pegasus?

A horse with wings. A pegasus is a horse that basically just has wings like an angel. Also pegasus can come in several different colors and have patterns just like a normal horse.

What color does the Nike Pegasus running shoes come in?

The Nike Pegasus running shoes come in a very wide variety of styles/ colors. Also the styles/ colors differ slightly between the men's and women's models.

How many Beyblade pegasus are there and which are the best?

There are 5 types of Pegasus legend Cyber pegasus,storm pegasus,galaxy pegasus,big bang Pegasus and wing Pegasus The best is wing pegasus

When does the bey blade big bang pegasus come out in stores?

July 17 2012

Were did pegasus live?

were did pegasus live? were did pegasus live?

What episode does chibi chibi come in from the sailor moon series?

The episode is 158, season 4; "Pegasus Revealed" / "The Secret of the Pegasus! The Handsome Guardian of the Dream World"

Who is the author of Pegasus and the fight for Olympus?

Kate O'hearn is the author of Pegasus She has written three books of Pegasus named: Pegasus and the flame Pegasus and the fight for Olympus Pegasus and the new Olympians

What is the difference between stardust pegasus and galaxy pegasus?

stardust pegasus is storm pegasus but with blue recolored metal wheel (fusion wheel). galaxy pegasus is still galaxy pegasus