The Egyptian gods were believed to live in the sky, or heaven. The sun god, Ra, rode a chariot across the sky to follow the sun and observe the actions of humans on earth. Thoth followed the moon.
Ancient Egyptian gods were worshiped in temples that were specifically dedicated to that god.
The ancient Egyptians were living mostly in the Lower Egypt [at the Mediterranean shores and the Nile delta] as well as the Upper Egypt [by the Aswan dam]
The ancient Egyptians were based in egypt.
most Ancient Egyptians were peasant farmers
In ancient times the women lived in houses that were made of mudbricks. Surprisingly, unlike most ancient cultures, the Egyptians allowed their women (almost) the same rights as their men. They had the rights to get a divorce, inherit and own land and possesions, etc.
Ancient Egyptians were first to create beer.
the floodplains
The ancient egyptians lived in north Africa
the ancient Egyptians
To live in and raise families.
The ancient Egyptians lived around the Nile river because of the fertile soil and the water for their crops.
Near the Nile k
Near the Nile k
The ancient Egyptian soldiers lived in fortresses and garrisons.
Along the fertile Nile River.
near the river nile
No. The temples are the homes of the Gods.
The Ancient Egyptians as we know them live between 2,000 - roughly 7,000 years ago.