At the time when Zeus entered upon the fight against the Titans, and called upon the gods for assistance, Nike and her two sisters were the first that came forward, and Zeus was so pleased with their readiness, that he caused them ever after to live with him in Olympus.
Nike (pronounced NICK-EE). Hence the sports footwear makers have tried to get in on the act.
Nike's parents are pallas and styx.
No, Nike is not a owl in Greek mythology she is a victory goddess.
If you mean the goddess of victory, she was called Nike.
Nike is often portrayed with a palm frond or wreath to crown victors, sometimes she is portrayed erecting a trophy.Nike's symbol was her wings and an often a wreath to crown vistors
nike is the goddess of victory,not real
Forever. She is an immortal
she ran really fast
The Greek goddess Nike was the goddess of victory. The Roman name for Nike was Victoria.
Nike is the goddess of victory. She was the daughter of Styx.
Nike is the goddess of victory.
Nike (pronounced NICK-EE). Hence the sports footwear makers have tried to get in on the act.
Nike, Inc. is named after a Greek goddess, Nike the goddess of victory.
No, the Greek goddess Nike does not have a constellation named after her. Nike is the goddess of victory in Greek mythology, but there is no constellation associated with her specifically.
Nike is the minor goddess of victory.
==== well if you read it like the famous shoes brand,then it means nothing :) but if you read it like "nicky" then it means "victory" ==== Nike was the goddess of victory.
Nike was the Greek goddess of victory. She helped out in battles.