We are not quite certain to which civilization has lasted the longest in the past since some civilizations are unknown to historians as in when they exactly started. I would say Ancient Egypt, because ancient Egypt lasted for about 3180 years and probably was the most successful and most stable during all of its years.
Last guy said: Rome
I say:
China. Lasted thousands of years, still standing, only conquered once for 2 generations. Rome is famous for making republic and being one of the strongest empires in history. Some empires were bigger, but not stronger. China evolved enough to beat Rome later. They went from just spears to having the first black powder weapons.
Rome was famous for its republic. Direct Democracy in Greece could not work with a lot of people, but Rome made it so it could work with a large empire. They made the first government for, from and by the people. They lasted quite a while with thousands of innovations, but did not last as long as China.
Greek is not the longest lasting mythology there are older civilization with older myths. Greek however is the most "famous" (i guess that would be the most appropriate word). it is the most studied
the kingdom that lasted the longest was the old kingdom
Pepi ii was the longest reigning. Ramses ii was the second longest.
Days? A Roman banquet would last perhaps three hours at the longest. Forget about what Hollywood would have you believe about the orgies of the ancient Romans--they just did not happen. Ancient Rome was a dawn to dusk society and most people were home in bed by eight or nine o'clock. If or when the ancient writers mention someone "dining until midnight" is was because it was the exception.
The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.
The ancient civilization with the "longest lasting stability" is undoubtedly the Roman/Byzantine Empire. From approximately 31 B.C.E. until 1453 C.E., an unbroken (if sometimes rather blurry) line can be traced wherein a single imperial governing body ruled through the same (if also evolving) legal, military, and moral traditions from start to finish.
More then 4000 BC. It is one of the longest lasting civilizations
Greek is not the longest lasting mythology there are older civilization with older myths. Greek however is the most "famous" (i guess that would be the most appropriate word). it is the most studied
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It entirely depends on how you define the term. Does it include countries whose dynasties change? Does it include countries that change their constitutions? Does it include countries that may have merged with other countries in the interim? As a result, it is unanswerable. However, most of the longest lasting countries were the Ancient Empires. They had much more longevity than more recent states because of less technological and ideological changes over longer periods. Such empires include: Ancient Egypt, the Persian Empire, the Yellow River Valley Civilization, etc.
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The shortest Chinese dynasty was the Xin Dynasty, lasting 14 years. The longest lasting one was the Shang Dynasty, lasting 571 years.