Ancient Greece was known for its art, music, and architecture. They were also known for poetry and writing. All of these things are things that people in western culture emulate.
i think it was the Minoan culture
Highly developed culture is reading and/or writing, for an exaple: learning how to write in latin.
Olmec was the "mother" culture of Mesoamerica. Many aspects of their culture such as gods, glyphic writing and artistic forms became parts of later civilizations such as the Maya and Aztecs.
Ancient Egyptian civilization is remembered for its longevity and for its culture. Some aspects of ancient Egyptian culture are its writing (hieroglyphics), its huge monuments and temples, its tombs and burial practices, its religion, its medicine and the spread of its language and customs throughout its area during the days of empire. Ancient Egyptian civilization is also remembered for its impact on the Hebrews, who provided a core kernel of modern Western civilization, and for its interaction with the Ancient Greeks and Romans.
does her culture influence her writing
does her culture influence her writing
Ancient Greece was known for its art, music, and architecture. They were also known for poetry and writing. All of these things are things that people in western culture emulate.
It depends which hemisphere you are in, at the time of writing (January 2nd 2018), it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere.
The culture was an oral tradition, there was no written language. So before Western colonisations native americans had no such thing as "writing paper". Since then, various tribes have adopted the roman alphabet for some written purposes.
Linear A script is a kind of writing system, that Minoan culture used.
i think it was the Minoan culture
Writing was an important part of the development in human culture.
Teachers and students are responsible of copy culture
first you will have to have your research so when you start the brochure you know what your writing. then after the writing have some images to prove your point about Western Australia
Highly developed culture is reading and/or writing, for an exaple: learning how to write in latin.