Water is not an element. The element that is most present in the atmosphere is Nitrogen at about 70% (Oxygen is about 20%). I don't know about the most common element in the earth's crust though. I'd say that the most common element overall is Carbon (since all life is carbon based)
Tye did not use an element but a compound made from an element - namely Antimony(III) sulfide, Sb2S3.
The element you are thinking of is HG which is Mercury. Another name for Mercury other than hydro-argyros is hydragyrum. Have A Nice Day!
Human societies no longer had to follow herds of animals to find enough food.
there farts!!!
The green ninja is associated with the element of energy in the LEGO Ninjago series.
No, you cannot change the element of the fifth element on your horse in Howrse. The element is determined during the horse's creation and cannot be altered afterward.
YES! you could be famous one day!
==new answer== To stimulate the use of imagination, which is the first step in creation.
The vibration of air molecules is the most important element in the creation of sound. When an object vibrates, it causes the air molecules around it to vibrate, producing sound waves that travel through the air.
Nuclear fusion or nuclear fission.
the conquest of the continent and the creation of factories
The discovery of the element mercury dates back to ancient civilizations, so it was not invented by any single person. Mercury has been known to humans since at least 3000 BC, with various cultures and civilizations using it for different purposes.
Bismuth was discovered by ancient civilizations, but it was officially identified as an element in the 18th century by Claude Geoffroy the Younger, a French chemist.
The mosaic element of contemporary art owes its existence to the French revolution.