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Q: Which group settled on the mainland of Greece?
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egyptians Which group settled on the mainland of Greece?Mycenaeans

Where did the Mycenaean's come from before they settled in Greece?

India The Mainland!!!

Where did the Mycenaean's come from they settled in Greece?

India The Mainland!!!

Which groups settled in Greece?

which group never settled in Greece? egyptians

What group never settled in Greece?

The Deucheinians

What new group of people invaded Greece and settled on the Peloponnesus peninsula?

The Dorians

How many mainland regions in Greece?

There are 9 mainland regions in greece

What group of people likely invaded Crete and bringing an end to the civilization there?

It was the Mycenaeans for mainland Greece.

Is mainland Greece Greece?

!! yes

Which sea borders mainland Greece?

the mediterranean sea borders mainland greece ;D

What was the mainland of Greece?

Mainland Greece does not have one singular name, but is denominated by regions. Moving south to north, the regions of mainland Greece include: the Peloponnesus, Attica, Boetia, Thessaly, Epirus, Macedonia, and Thrace.

What is an Arvanite?

An Arvanite is a member of a population group of Greece who traditionally speak Arvanitika, a dialect of Albanian, who settled in Greece during the late Middle Ages.