fdsagfuhdgshjfgasjkgdjksaghdfjgshajk bafjildgvshiaf;gdhsiaaaaaaaaaaaffasd;fgusdialgfsduiafdusfgdisfgudisagfudi ndhsjlavfhdjsabfhdjklsbahdfjlsbajk fbhudwagfyudsgayfudosgayfudgysuaofgduysagfydusgafydsafy
The Peloponesus was (and is today) a peninsula and region of Greece.
Rome and Greece
The ancient Greek myths had a mother of sea nymphs by that name, it is also the name of a region of ancient Greece, home to the Dorians.
Achilles is not a historical person, he is in the myths.He was born in Phthia in ancient Greece the southernmost region of ancient Thessaly.
The Peloponesus was (and is today) a peninsula and region of Greece.
Ancient Greece
Thessaly was an ancient Greek kingdom directly under the ancient Greeks kingdoms of Macedonia and Epirus. Today it is a region of Greece still under the region of Epirus and Macedonia in Greece.
All of Greece has a Mediterranean Climate.
An ancient region of Greece north of Attica and the Gulf of Corinth.
Rome and Greece
The main religion in Pamir is Ismaili Islam, which is a branch of Shia Islam. It is practiced by the majority of the population in the region.
There are several kinds of religion that are practiced in the region. THe most common ones are catholiscism as well as christianity, but there are others.
No, Catholicism is the most widely practiced religion in Latin America. Protestantism has been growing in the region, but Catholicism remains dominant.
depending in what region the chinese people are living, they are mostly Bhudist, Zen and Communist the main religion practiced would be christianity.