Scandinavians were one race of people in Northern Europe. These were known as Germanic tribes of people who were Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish.
They are known as Valkyries or 'Choosers of the Slain.'
The Huang River Valley is also known as the Yellow River Valley. The first people who settled there were the Sumerians because the valley had very fertile and rich soil.
New York State was originally settled by the Dutch and called New Netherlands, and New York City was originally New Amsterdam. In 1674, it was taken over by England and the names and administration changed.
The Aztecs settled in the area now covered by Mexico City in either 1325 or (more likely) 1345.
In 406 the Vandals, Sueves (both Germanic peoples) and the Alans (Iranian speakers) crossed the river Rhine (the frontier of the Roman Empire) and invaded Gaul. The Alemanni, another Germanic people, took advantage of this to take over Switzerland and Alsace, in northeaster France. The Burgundians, also a Germanic people, settled in an area which is now in Germany west of the river Rhine (Rhineland-Palatinate). The exact date when this occurred is not known. It is known that they were there from 411. In 443 the Romans resettled them in Sapaudia which is thought to correspond to present day Savoy, in eastern France.
The name France is derived from the Latin word "Francia," meaning "Land of the Franks." The Franks were a Germanic tribe that conquered the region in the 5th century. France is known for its rich history, culture, and contributions to art, philosophy, and literature.
Germans or Germanic
The name of the tribe or group of people that first spoke Germanic is not known.
There is no 'foundation' date for France and this is a moot point for historians. After the Germanic tribe of the Franks settled down, the country became gradually France as it is now. Most French historians consider France to be born at the fall of the Roman Empire (476 AD). Some consider the date of the battle of Bouvines (1214) as a marker in the beginning of a national sentiment. Some people say France was founded in 1534 also.
France is the country of the Germanic people, the Francs (which means the free men). The old term is Francie. (in 843?) France is a translation from the latin term Francia (in 1243?).
No, what was New France is currently known as the Province of Quebec (in Canada), its former name of New France was given when the French first settled there in the sixteenth century.
Type your answer here... D.Anglo-Saxons
It was known the the very first people who settled in England and spread until the invasion of the Celts, and who were the first to arrive, were descendants of the trojans.
The dutch. also known as the Netherlands, were the people who settled in New Amsterdam, which is now call New York.
They were the Vikings who came from Scandinavia.
Teutonic barbarians were known as Vikings. They were known for invading new territory, burning and pillaging as they went.