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The Keres, Ker, the Kabeiroi, Kaanthos, the Kabeirides, Kabeiro, Kadmilos, Kakia, Kakos, Kaikias, Kaikos, Kairos, Kaliadne, Kalokagathia, Kalligeneia, Kalliope, Kallirhoe, Kallirroe, Kallirhoe, Kalliste, Kallithyia, Kalybe, Hus Kalydonios, Kalypso, Kamarina, Kampe, Kapheira, Karkinos, Karmanor, Karme, Karmentis, the Karpoi, Karpo, Karya, Karystos, Kastalia, Aetos Kaukasios, Kaystros, Kebren, Kekrops, Kedalion, Kelaino, Keledones, Kelmis, Kelouse, the Kentaurides, the Kentauroi Thessalioi, the Kentauroi Pelopponesioi, the Kentauroi Kyprioi, the Pheres Lamii/Kentauroi Lamioi, Kephisos, Keraon, Kerberos, Kerkopes, Elaphos Kerynitis, Ketea, Keto, Ketos Aithiopios, Ketos Troias, Keuthonymos, Khalkotauroi, Khalkis, Khaos, Khariklo, the Kharites, Kharon, Kharybdis, Khelone, Khimaira, Khione, Kheiron, Khloris, Khremetes, Khronos, Khrysaor, Khryseos Kuon, Khrysomallos, Khrysopeleia, Khrysothemis, Khrysos, Kirke, Kithairon, Klaia, Hus Klazomenaios, Kleeia, Kleokhareia, Kleodora, Kleomede, Kleone, Kleio, Klonie, Klotho, Klymene, Klytia, Klytios, Knossia, Koalemos, the Kokythiai, Kokytos, Koios, Kombe, Komos, Konisalos, Korkyra, the Koronides, Koronis, Koros, the Korybantes Phrygioi, the Korybantes Samothrakioi, the Korybantes Euboiai, Korykia, the Korykiai, Korymbos, Kottos, Kotys, Kraneia, Krataeis, Kratos, the Krenaiai, Kres, Tauros Kretaios, Kretheis, Kreousa, the Krinaiai, Krios, Krokale, Hus Krommyon, Kronos, Krotos, Ktesios, the Kouretes, Kyamites, Kyane, Kyanee, Kybele, the Kyklopes Elder and Younger, Kydnides, Kydoimos, Kyllene, Kymopoleia, the Kunokephaloi, Kyrene and Kytheros.
The goddess of love was Aphrodite in Greek mythology, and Venus in Roman.
Sasha is one of the names by which the Greek Goddess Persephone (consort of Hades) is known.
Athena: Greek Goddess of wisdom Aphrodite: Greek Goddess of beauty Hera: Greek Goddess of children and marriage Artemis: Greek Goddess of hunting Hestia: Greek Goddess of the hearth Demeter: Greek Goddess of grain Pandora: the first woman formed out of clay by the gods.
yes, all God's names are capitalized at all times
If you mean the Greek name of the Roman goddess Venus, it is Aphrodite.
See link below.
There is no Greek goddess whose name starts with the letter "W" in traditional Greek mythology.
The Greek Goddesses names that start with the letter H is Hera, Hebe, Hecate, Harmonia, Hegemone, Helia, Hemera, and Hygeia. These are the ones that I know of.
Aphrodite (goddess of beauty and love) in greek and Venus in Roman Artemis (goddess of the hunt) in Greek and Diana in Roman Athena (goddess of wisdom and war craft) in Greek and Minerva in Roman Apollo (god of medicine and music and oracle god) in Greek and same in Roman Ares (god of war) in Greek and Mars in Roman. None of the Roman names start with an "A" except Apollo but five of the Greek names do. Allah oh and Aeollus.... I believe he is one of the wind gods.
The goddess of love was Aphrodite in Greek mythology, and Venus in Roman.
Sasha is one of the names by which the Greek Goddess Persephone (consort of Hades) is known.
Athena: Greek Goddess of wisdom Aphrodite: Greek Goddess of beauty Hera: Greek Goddess of children and marriage Artemis: Greek Goddess of hunting Hestia: Greek Goddess of the hearth Demeter: Greek Goddess of grain Pandora: the first woman formed out of clay by the gods.
AphroditeAphrodite is the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Aphrodite is the Greek equivalent of the Roman goddess Venus.AphroditeAphrodite is the Greek goddess of love. Aphrodite was also known by other names such as Cytherea and Cypris.
Eccashiera is a greek name it means: goddess of fair play.
The are Demeter and Hestia.
yes, all God's names are capitalized at all times
If you mean the Greek name of the Roman goddess Venus, it is Aphrodite.