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First the kings, then the aristocrats to get rid of the kings, then the tyrants to get rid of the aristocrats, then the democrats (people) to get rid of the tyrants, then the aristocrats to get rid of the democracy, then the kings to get rid of the aristocrats.

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because when Poseidon and hades and Zeus's dad Cronus tried to eat them they destroyed father and then the oldest of them all was announced the king of the gods.

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Presidents. They were elected by lot (chance) and held office one time only.

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Q: Who held power over the government under democracy in ancient Greece?
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What type of government did Ancient Greece have?

had many government because of many city- stateIt was eitheroligarchy, monarchy, democracy, or aristocracy.sorry it is almost right. there was oligarchy, tyranny, democracy, or aristocracy. (tyranny was when power was taken illegally. The tyrant wasn't always mean.)

Person who takes power illegally in ancient Greece?

The person who takes power illegaly in Greece is the tyrant!

The type of democracy practiced in ancient Athens?

The greeks had the best type of government to ever grace this earth. This type of government is still featured today in the famous stream "Twitch plays pokemon". This government is reffered to as Helixism, Which is a system in which the helix fossil rules all media, market, and government desicions. The Next Helix fossil in line for the throne (the next pokemon game's helix fossil) is then put into power. ALL HAIL THE HELIX! PRAISE THE HELIX!

How did ancient Greece form a democracy as a government?

Most societies have developed different forms of government, so really the Greeks were perfectly normal. Many people don't realize it, but the Icelanders also developed democracy separately from the Greeks and have the world's oldest democratic parliament (the Althing).

Of democracy tyranny and oligarchy what government was first used in ancient Greece?

Monarchy- a form of government in which the people are led by one ruler, usually a king, who takes power legally and often hands the throne down to his son. Oligarchy- a form of government in which the people are led by a small group of people, often wealthy aristocrats. This isn't usually very beneficial to the majority of the population. Tyranny- a form of government very similar to monarchy, except a tyrant doesn't take power legally and can claim no right to the throne. A tyrant usually doesn't pass power to his son, and despite common stereotypes, not all tyrants were bad leaders. Democracy- a form of government led by the people, either through representatives or directly. Democracy in ancient Athens was a direct democracy, in the USA today we have a representative democracy.

Related questions

Who was invovled in Ancient Greece in the government called Democracy?

The adult male citizens. Democracy comes from the Greek words for People Power.

How did direct democracy work in ancient Greece?

In ancient Greece Greeks were able to vote in an assembly or by a law making group.In ancient Greece Democracy meant all citizens shared power in some ancient Greek city-states

How did the direct democracy work in Greece?

In ancient Greece Greeks were able to vote in an assembly or by a law making group.In ancient Greece Democracy meant all citizens shared power in some ancient Greek city-states

Where can the roots of the word democracy be traced?

The roots of the word "democracy" can be traced back to ancient Greece. It comes from the Greek words "demos," meaning "people," and "kratos," meaning "power" or "rule," and refers to a system of government where power is held by the people.

What type of government did Ancient Greece have?

had many government because of many city- stateIt was eitheroligarchy, monarchy, democracy, or aristocracy.sorry it is almost right. there was oligarchy, tyranny, democracy, or aristocracy. (tyranny was when power was taken illegally. The tyrant wasn't always mean.)

In ancient Greece tribes and generals took turns at power this is an example of what type of political system?

This is an example of ancient democracy.

Who had the power to rule democracy in ancient Greece?

By its very name, the assembly of the people (= adult male citizens).Democracy comes from demos = the people, kratos = power: People power.

What were the 3 forms of government that existed in ancient Greece?

aristotle's theory eas that there were six types: the three basic and best were monarchy (rule of one) aristocracy (rule of best) and democracy (people power). he noted a natural degradation - monarchy to tyranny (rule of an autocrat), aristocracy to oligarchy(rule of the few) and democracy to ochlocracy (mob power).

Why did ancient Athens believe in democracy was the best form of government for them?

The direct democracy gave power to the people so the people supported it.

What power did oligarchs have in Ancient Greece?

Your mom! ancient Greece

What type of government did Greece have?

had many government because of many city- stateIt was eitheroligarchy, monarchy, democracy, or aristocracy.sorry it is almost right. there was oligarchy, tyranny, democracy, or aristocracy. (tyranny was when power was taken illegally. The tyrant wasn't always mean.)

What was the type of government where power rest with the people during the roman empire?

Ancient Rome never had a type of government where power rested with the people. Such a type of government was found only in the Athenian Democracy.