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Q: Who is Atreus father?
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Who is the father of Agamemnon?

His father was Atreus and his mother was aerope

Et Atreus vitium tolerare non potest?

"And Atreus cannot tolerate the crime" Atreus was the father of Agamemnon in Greek Mythology. I think the original might be: "tum Atreus vitium invenit et tolerare non potest" "Then Atreus discovers the crime and cannot condone it."

Who was the father of menelaus?

Atreus and Cleola or his son Pleisthenes and Aerope.

Why Aegisthus kill Agamemnon?

Agamemnon's father, Atreus, displaced Aegisthus' father on the throne.

Why did Aegisthus kill Agamemnon?

Agamemnon's father, Atreus, displaced Aegisthus' father on the throne.

What does atreus mean?

In Greek mythology, Atreus was the King of Mycenae and father of Agamemnon and Menelaus. Menelaus's wife Helen was abducted by the Trojan prince Paris, precipitating the Trojan war.

Who are the sons of Atreus in the lliad?

Agamemnon and Menelaus are the sons of Atreus.

Did atreus steal thyestes wife?

No, actually Thyestes had an affair with Atreus's wife.

Why was King Menelaus and King Agamemnon called At-rides?

Menelaus and Agamemnon were called the Atridae because their father was named Atreus.

What is the deffinition of Agamennon?

Greek Mythology The king of Mycenae and leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War, who was the son of Atreus and the father of

When was The House of Atreus Act I created?

The House of Atreus Act I was created on 1999-11-16.

When was The House of Atreus Act II created?

The House of Atreus Act II was created on 2000-10-16.