Myron of Eleutherae sculpted the Discobolus.
a sclupter of Greece during the peloplnessian war
A - Athens, acropolis, agora, aristocracy, Achilles, Archaic [art], Aristophanes, Aristotle, Alexander, Alexandria, Alcibiades, B- Bacchus, Bull of Minos C- Corinthian [pillars], Crete, Classical [art] D- Doric [pillars], democracy, Delphi, Dorian, Darius, Delian League, Salamis, E - Euripides F - Fresco G - Greece, Greek H - Hellas, Hellenistic, Hellenes, helots, hoplite, Homer, Heracles, Herodatus, I - Ionic [pillars], Ionia, infantry, Iliad, Icarus J - Juktas (ancient city) K - Knossos, L - Leonidas, Lesbos, M - Minoans, Myceneans, Marathon, Myron, Macedonia, Mycenae, N - Nemesis, Nereids, Nyx O - oligarchy, Olympics, Oracle, Oddyssey P - Pericles, polis, phalanx, perioci, Parthenon, Plato, Peloponnesus, Persian, Phidias, Praxitiles, Pythagoras, Phillip II Q - quorum R - Rhodes, Rhea S - Socrates, Sophocles, Sicily, T - tyrant, trireme, Troy, Trojan, Thera, Titans, Thermopylae, Thucidides, U - Uranus, Ulysses (or Odysseus) V - victory W - warfare X - Xerxes Y - Z - Zeus
Architecture (the Parthenon), painting, sculpture (Myron, Phidias), philosophy (Thales, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle), mathematics (Pythagorus, Euclid), medicine (Hippocrates), drama (comedies by Aristophanes [Clouds], tragedies by Sophocles [Oedipus Rex] and Euripidies [The Trojan Women])
Myron of Eleutherae was a 5th century B.C. sculptor from Greece. He worked in bronze and was known for the unique poses in his work. His most famous sculpture was the Discus Thrower.
Myron of Eleutherae sculpted the Discobolus.
The Discobolus, or Discus Thrower, was a statue created, not invented, by Myron of Eleutherae, an Athenian sculpter who worked between 480 and 440 BC. The original was lost but it is known to us from the many copies made by the Romans.
The original Greek bronze by Myron of Eleutherai was lost, and all that survive are the Roman marble (and other) copies we see today. There are links to posts on the Discobolus (or Discobolos) and you can use them to see the sculpture and get more information on this recognizable piece of classic art.
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