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Q: Who is the Greek god of nature?
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What were greek god pan's powers?

the god of nature

What is the name of the Greek God of natural disaster?

There was no Deity of Natural Disasters as such, but the Greek god of nature as a whole (including nature's wrath) was Poseidon.

Which Greek god is god of wildlife?

Artemis is the Greek goddess of wildlife and hunting. and Pan is the Greek god of nature

What is the Greek god Gaia god of?

gaia isnt a god she is like mother nature

What is the greek god of nature?

The Greek god of nature is typically associated with different aspects of nature such as forests, mountains, and animals. Some of the most well-known nature-related gods in Greek mythology include Pan, Artemis, and Demeter.

Greek god of forests?

Forests are apart of Nature and the Nature Goddess is Artemis

What is the greek god of forest?

That would most likely be Pan, the god of nature.

What is the belief that god and nature are one?

Pantheism. "Pan" is Greek for English "All". "Theism" is from the Greek "Theos" which means "God". "All is God".

Greek goddesses of nature?

Gaia was a Titanesss of the Earth but the main nature God was Pan the Saytr.

Who is pan the greek god?

Pan is the Greek god of the Wild. Nature nymphs and satyrs were mostly his followers.

Who is the greek god of dogs?

There was no god specifically for dogs. The Greek gods represented forces of nature of intangible concepts. They did not worship animals or totems.

How might greek gods and goddesses know how to do their job right?

When a Greek god or goddess is "god of it" it is not their job, it is their nature and domain: they can not do that "right" or "wrong".