Well,the Greek god of nature is Pan,and Gaea wasnature,so I guess that leaves Persephone.
Demeter, in Greek Mythology, is the Goddess of nature, fertility of the Earth, the seasons, and harvests.
Adiona is a goddess in Greek mythology associated with fertility, motherhood, and the harvest.
Demeter is the goddess of agriculture, but Gaia is the god/titan of the earth.
Pandora was not a Greek goddess, but a mortal woman. Anyway, she was a young lady, probably about 20. She had an inquisitive nature, and physical features are unknown.
In Greek mythology the primal goddess of nature is Physis; however, there are many other goddesses of nature, such as Gaia (Earth), Cybele and Rhea (mountains), Demeter (harvest/farming), Persephone (spring), and Artemis (wilderness). The Horae were seasonal goddesses as well.
Persephone the Greek goddess of flowers nature and spring
Demeter, in Greek Mythology, is the Goddess of nature, fertility of the Earth, the seasons, and harvests.
nymphs were the godesses of nature
Athena was the goddess of wisdom and battle. She did not directly effect nature.
Demeter is the Greek goddess of agriculture or nature
Forests are apart of Nature and the Nature Goddess is Artemis
Nature and Fertility. She presided over mountains and fortresses
Aphrodite was a goddess of the sea and of the heavens. This does not mean she was controlled by that nature, but rather that she shared the domain of it.
Well, the Roman name for the goddess of agriculture, earth, and corn is Ceres, which is Demeter in the Greek name.
Adiona is a goddess in Greek mythology associated with fertility, motherhood, and the harvest.
Greek: Aphrodite (ahf-roh-DY-tee) Roman: Venus
Echo wasn't a goddess. She was a nymph. A nymph is a lesser goddess usually associated with nature and its wonders; thus Echo became the 'goddess' of echoes with her curse.